Cleaning Service Consultation:
This chat will only take about 15 minutes. Knowing the details below and discussing your unique preferences and concerns will allow us to create a cleaning service plan and estimate that fully meets your needs.
- Your address
- Square footage of your home
- Number of occupants
- Are there pets in the home?
- Are there small children living in the home?
- Number of bedrooms
- Would you like sheets changed?
- Number of bathrooms
- Bathroom finishes ie. tile or fiberglass shower walls, glass door or shower curtain.
- Bathroom Condition, is there soap scum, mold or mildew?
- Kitchen Finishes
- Would you like the interior of appliances cleaned ie, oven, fridge, freezer
- Would you like the interior of cabinets cleaned
- Kitchen Condition, is their grease or other residue buildup on kitchen cabinets or appliances.
- Are there bonus rooms such as an office, sunrooms, finished basement, laundry room, large pantry etc.
- Will we be cleaning the entire home or only specific rooms?
- Type of flooring throughout the home
- Surfaces or objects that require special attention
- What is the dust level throughout the home especially on surfaces such as woodwork: baseboards, windowsills, door frames etc.
- Is the home on the minimalist side or more cluttered? If the home is very cluttered what are your expectations for dusting? Would you like all decorative items, papers, and toys lifted or worked around?
By the end of our phone consultation we'll provide you with:
- An estimate for your initial cleaning service
- An estimate for ongoing maintenance cleaning services (weekly, every-other-week, or monthly)
- Your appointment for your first cleaning, secured with a credit card